Sunday, September 2, 2007

Who Knew....?

The video game sweater has just taken off. The viral Internet has embraced it to both praise and distain it. Do I care? Not much. I got the pattern done and out onto and onto my crafty site so people that want to make and wear the sweater can do so.

And people that don't...won't. I find it interesting the comments that have been made about this idea. People that would never dream of making a comment about an African patterned dress or a Hawaiian shirt take great delight in showing their distain of this sweater. Prejudice shows up in a lot of different ways. If it makes them feel cool to show their intolerance in public then rock on.

On a side bar I got the blanket done for Alisha's baby.
He's not here yet and his name is Gage. He should be making an appearance Just Any Time Now. Her due date is this week. This should keep him warm once the autumn weather starts in on the Midwest. It's made with Yarn Bee Icelandic Jewels Yarn. This is a Hobby Lobby house brand and this is the first project I've used it for. If it washes well I'll be using it again. The blanket was made with 10 1/2 needles and it came out nice and plush and cozy. The color intermix is well done and I think there's about 12 color choices that they have. I'm interested in trying a sweater now with a size 11 needle. That'll be warm this winter when I have the thermostat set at 68.

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