Saturday, December 7, 2013

Talking to Strangers is Easier than you Thnk

I was in a craft store last night and overheard a couple of women discussing the fourth Doctor as they were selecting yarn. Always happy to butt in I approached and offered that if they were making the Doctor scarf there was a web site that had the colors and pattern definition. The grandmother had seen the site and she had picked up a couple of colors that didn’t correspond to the colors listed for the scarf. So, she had brought the granddaughter (the one who had requested the scarf) with her to the craft store to ensure she got the right colors.

We chatted about the scarf and the construction of it for a bit, the granddaughter is a petite little thing. I suggested she make the scarf twice as long as her granddaughter is tall to get the desired effect.

They both admired my solar system scarf since it was 12 degrees out and I was all bundled up. They wanted to know if I had made it and I told them I was going to have the pattern available on Ravelry in January, 2014.

So now I guess I need to get the pattern tweaked and get it out there for people now that I've started wearing the sample around. Lots of people have noticed it.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Doh! What was I thinking?

See that picture in the previous post with the swinging monkey afghan piece? Had to tear it all out. OK, I didn't have to tear it all out but I didn't feel like picking up 248 stitches after tearing out a dozen rows and struggling with getting them all going the right directions. So I just redid the border too.

Was forming one of the stitches incorrectly. If you look at the picture you can see a line of bars running up the right hand side instead of a smooth line of stitches moving over magically on the fabric.

Well, it's torn out now and I'm already further along than I was previously. Now I really need to get a wiggle on. This puts me even further behind than I was before. Drat!

And that Knitmeter is so lying on me. I've actually done almost 20 miles so far this year. I just don't like updating that app, it's too cumbersome.

Friday, June 21, 2013

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth

Although I have been distracted. For 3 whole years? ! ? How time flies when you're doing other stuff. Actually I've been watching a lot of TV and being depressed about the state of the world, my lack of success and why there's no significant other in my life. But an event can change your attitude about life in general. Recently an event happened peripherally to me that radically altered a lot of lives. Mine included. So on we go with renewed determination. I'm on Ravelry as SpaceWhisper and right now I'm working on a test knit for the Affable Knitter for a Swinging Monkey baby afghan. It's been slow going trying to read the written out instructions and it's always interesting to see how other peoples logic systems work. Here's how far I've gotten.
And I need to get a wiggle on. The requested completion date is 7/15/13. Which means I have to work on it for over an hour every day in order to make my stitch count for that date. That's 13 rows of 235 stitches every day I would be further along but didn't pay attention to the stitches that were forming under my hands and was doing one of the faux cable stitches incorrectly. It was an interesting effect but that's not what you're shooting for when doing a test knit. So frogged and restarted.