Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Was in fact a labor day for me. 'Course with my new business in a way every day's a holiday for me so working on a holiday seems to make sense. Since I pet sit for people, of course I would work on the holidays. That's when people need pet sitting. But it's all good.

I'm working on another Space Invader sweater. I have a feeling that I'll be able to post these on Etsy through the end of the year and still find buyers. So I ordered a bunch more black yarn. I'll need that for another sweater idea that I have so it'll all be used one way or another. Black yarn usually is.

I need to take a break from the Space Invaders and work on my Panda Bear design. He's right there, almost done and ready to be fabricated. Just have to take a day and get all that finalized. This one worked out really well also. Once I have a good picture I'll get it posted.

In the meantime I'm almost done with the shawl.
When the momster had surgery a few years back and one of the sisters was in an awful car accident I made them Prayer Shawls to use after they got out of the hospital since it was in the middle of winter. Since then I put a shawl in the rotation every now and again. I really need to do another blanket for Project Linus. I have two blankets ready to go and had decided last year that every 3rd or 4th project would be for charity. That was before I was liberated from my corporate job and started re-ordering my priorities. Can't let it go though. I had decided on that commitment and I should uphold it or formally release it and I'm not ready to release it yet. So I guess my next project is a charity blanket.

Oh, and I just picked up what looks like a swell reference book 1000 Great Knitting Motifs by Louise Roberts. I've been slowly building my library of motifs to knit and this has a lot of cool examples in it. Has a lot of really bad color combos also but that's a great visual for me to avoid them. I'm going to sit down and go through it page by page but right now it looks fun. I'll write a more complete review after I've really looked at it.

Good to know what the line-up should be. Space Invaders, shawl, book review, panda bear, charity blanket, polar the time I get all those done I'll have a whole other list of ideas to work on.

And the charity blankets really help to work down my stash items. So it's a win-win situation. I haven't quite gotten to the point where I can release the yarn that comes into my home to the Destash site or a garage sale. My other clutter is clearing out nicely but not the yarn or the books. Still working on those. And the Destash site is a dangerous place for me to be roaming around in. And you know exactly what I mean by that.

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