Saturday, December 7, 2013

Talking to Strangers is Easier than you Thnk

I was in a craft store last night and overheard a couple of women discussing the fourth Doctor as they were selecting yarn. Always happy to butt in I approached and offered that if they were making the Doctor scarf there was a web site that had the colors and pattern definition. The grandmother had seen the site and she had picked up a couple of colors that didn’t correspond to the colors listed for the scarf. So, she had brought the granddaughter (the one who had requested the scarf) with her to the craft store to ensure she got the right colors.

We chatted about the scarf and the construction of it for a bit, the granddaughter is a petite little thing. I suggested she make the scarf twice as long as her granddaughter is tall to get the desired effect.

They both admired my solar system scarf since it was 12 degrees out and I was all bundled up. They wanted to know if I had made it and I told them I was going to have the pattern available on Ravelry in January, 2014.

So now I guess I need to get the pattern tweaked and get it out there for people now that I've started wearing the sample around. Lots of people have noticed it.

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