Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I make blankets for Project Linus. I have made blankets for that charity for 4 or more years. As is people's wont, I have mentioned this in the course of conversations with different people and I was asked if I would take some yarn from one of the women I spoke to about this.

She had purchased the yarn for projects and now had decided that her interests lay in a different direction and she no longer wanted it her house, she preferred to have the space for other things.

After no hesitation at all, I said 'Yes, I'd be happy to take the yarn for Project Linus blankets.' I've had other people also donate yarn to me for charity work in the past.

Now I'll be honest and say that if I receive some yarn from someone for a charity that I think I can use in another project, I'll use it. Some people will be horrified to hear that items that were donated to me to use for charity, I decide to use for my personal items. But I'm OK with that. I donate lots of blankets to Project Linus every year. Way more blankets than I have ever been gifted yarn for, so that means that I'm using my yarn for the charity. Swapping out some of the donated yarn for the my yarn that I use, it works for me. And some of the stuff I receive goes right on to another charity depending upon the condition, quantity and type of yarn received.

Have a different opinion? That's what the Comment section is for.

A great big Thank You to Inger for donating this yarn to the charity effort. As you can see in the second photo, I've already started a blanket from the donation she gave me.

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