Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Getting over the wall....

which I hit earlier this year, an emotional one, not a physical one. A word of advice, when you get hit, and you will get hit, financially (as I did), mentally, emotionally, (hopefully not) physically, just keep going. You hear the words that life is not what happens to you but what you do with it but they don't really sink in until something big happens. Now looking back at my response, I'm not real proud. I was withdrawn, I ran away from my responsibilities and things that used to give me pleasure seemed to be the hardest tasks in the world to pick up again.

So don't run away, face whatever it is that's chasing you and it'll suddenly diminish to much less than you're making it out to be. I've just started on another baby afghan for Project Linus. I dropped off a bag of 3 blankets to the drop off site a couple of weeks ago. I just finished a crocheted baby blanket for the next niece expected in September. It's a filet crochet pattern and I'm disappointed in the way the stitches pulled on me. The blanket is still totally usable but it's got dips in the openwork area. May have to do another one just to see where I pulled the yarn too tight. The creative juices are flowing again, time to gear up and take off.

I've even got a lot more done on the Workbasket Index that I'm putting together. Check it out here. If you have suggestions on how to improve the index please let me know your thoughts.

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