Monday, June 23, 2008

Back again

And working on more projects and a project that involved Workbasket magazines. Like a lot of people I'd collected batches of them from yard sales and auctions over the years and kept them sitting in boxes. Every once in awhile I'd pull them out to look for a pattern I'd remembered seeing and then get totally distracted by all the old ads and neat items that I'd run across in all the other magazines I'd have to look through before (if ever) finding the pattern I wanted.

So I'm putting a Workbasket Index out on my web site, yep, sitting down at the computer means I have to enter another magazine into the index and copy it out to the web site. I've gotten pretty far already. Check out the index here. It still needs some work and I still need to fill in some gaps in the magazines that I have but it's coming along. I hope it's helpful to people like me that remember seeing a pattern when they were browsing through the magazines but can't remember just which one it was in.

Gonna miss getting distracted and creatively engaged by just looking though. Of course, I can always do that but sometimes efficiency isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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