Friday, September 25, 2009

Time for Scarves

So I'm packaging up the gray scarf to send off to the Red Scarf Project. And starting on another scarf, this time with a lace pattern. The flash on the camera really washes out the lace pattern but since I was doing this at 2am I couldn't use natural light very easily.

I'm so messed up on my sleeping patterns right now. This menopause thing is continuing it's inevitable course but it's playing hob with my sleep system. Not that I was all that regulized anyway but now it's unreal. I'll sleep for 3, 4 or 5 hours and then I'm up for 14, but I could fall asleep in the chair I sit down in and be down for an hour or two.

Course, considering what some women go through with their hormones out of whack I'll take the sleep disruption until the cycle runs it's course.

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